Speculaas Spices

Feeling cozy? You will after you’ve baked with this spice mix. It’s warming and comforting and perfect for the colder months. Or any other time you feel like it, really.
- 38 tsp ground cinnamon
- 8 tsp ground cloves
- 4.5 tsp ground mace
- 4 tsp ground nutmeg
- 3.5 tsp ground ginger
- 3 tsp ground white pepper
- 2 tsp ground coriander
- 2 tsp ground cardamom
- 1.5 tsp ground anise
As you can see, this makes quite a large batch of the stuff. There are versions that use fewer spices (I’ve left out mace before, for instance), but if you want the true speculaas taste, you’ve got to have the cardamom. And I would always include the pepper, for that lovely warming feel. I use these mostly for gevulde speculaas, but they also go well with the apple pie, kruidnoten, pepernoten, or gevulde speculaaskoeken.
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